Interview with

the artist 

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What is your illustration style and how did you incorporate it into the NFT creation ? 

The first attention of the viewer is caught by the colors. That’s why I love to put a special emphasis on it in my works and choose them in such a way that the picture looks like a cast due to the resulting color transitions. I have often claimed that I don’t have a consistent style of my own and considered this my weakness. Meanwhile, I understand that this indeterminacy is at the same time my freedom, which I enjoyed in the process of creating the NFTs.

What are your thoughts on NFTs?

For me, NFT is the future of art. Where the technical meets the human and is united.

What is the story behind the astronaut / digital pioneer?

The astronaut and his surroundings are from different worlds, which is emphasized by the two different painting styles. The astronaut always has a clear target in his sights – evident from the target flag depicted – and is ready to dive into the new world.

What makes a Digital Pioneer for you?

For me, a digital pioneer is first and foremost a curious explorer who is not afraid of new challenges and tries to keep the focus on the essentials between all the volumes of information.

What do you find particularly exciting about this project?

I find it exciting to have the opportunity to implement such an enormously creative project at SYZYGY Performance. Now I can proudly say I’ve really created a lot of different things in creation from conception, to production of static, animated & dynamic ads for digital campaigns to social media guidelines/playbooks and now NFTs.

Wie hast du es bewältigt über 700 verschiedene Illustrationen zu erstellen?

From the very beginning, it was a team effort. Through the brainstorming sessions and the constant creative exchange, whether in the highly productive phases or in the elevator on the way to lunch break, we were always a good team and brought our different strengths together.

A big thanks goes to my team here! Johanna Calaminus, our Creative Director, who laid the foundation of the “Digital Pioneer” and was always on hand with advice and support; Larissa Grau & Olivia Hanhus, who helped shape a significant part of the project in terms of content and creativity & Jessica Müller, who managed the entire project.

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